1·Suffice it to say for now that a plugin is a collection of goals with a general common purpose.
2·Certainly the time and the history also entrust with a philosophy scholar's special starting point and the general common consciousness.
3·Therefore, in addition to painting creative painting to follow the general common law, to abide by painting the character of that paint.
4·The concept of teacher education has taken the place of the concept of normal education, and has acquired a general common understanding.
5·However, when dealing with very large data sets, you can further improve the query response times of a native XML database by following a few general common sense guidelines.
6·In a region today divided by languages and borders, archaeologists had a duty to inform the general public about their common cultural heritage.
7·Consul General Gao also exchanged views with Governor Perry on issues of common interest.
8·Consul General Gao and Governor Perdue also exchanged views on issues of common concern.
9·But the pattern we're seeing, with extreme highs and extreme weather in general becoming much more common, is just what you'd expect from climate change.
10·The general UX is defined by a set of common characteristics that enable users to interact with different applications using the same set of fundamental concepts.